caron levis Scribbling for kids, teens, and groan-ups
Picture it...
check out sample photos of school visits and events here.
get a glimpse of Caron's "virtual" energy in this taped video for the Brooklyn Museum Book Fair.

Get A Glimpse...
Caron in the classroom & other video clips:
KidLit TV Feathers Together storytime snippet and SEL activities
KidLit TV This Way, Charlie interview & activity demo.
Media Interviews
NY 1 segment on the Queens Book Festival
CBS Sunday Morning: Caron takes Stop That Yawn! on a ferris wheel!
Chalkboard Talk....
What Educators Are Saying about school visits:
"Caron’s interactive, full body [virtual] presentation along with hands-on activities kept kids engaged and emotionally connected to the story as well as her experiences in book making. I’ll be using some of her grounding technique for my own future class visits!”
-Alessandra Affinito, NYPL Librarian Organizer.
"Not only did Caron read aloud to the students and act out certain scenes, but she also described her creative process, told them where her ideas came from, showed them her numerous drafts, revisions...even discussed the many letters of rejection she received from publishing houses and how it made her feel."
- Columbia Grammar School
"What stood out was how incredibly she interacted with, managed, and built a relationship with kids she hardly knew!" ‑ 1st grade teacher, Riverdale Country School
"I couldn't believe how much he participated. You don't understand, he never participates. That was huge for him."
‑2nd grade, Explore Charter School
"More than any author I've seen, you have an ability to bring the students energy way up, but also enable them to calm back down so they're ready to keep working in their classrooms." -Host observing a 1st grade workshop.
"The 1st graders at the school where I am a social worker recently had the privilege of a visit by Caron Levis. Keeping the attention of young children for over 30 minutes is no easy feat... Caron has a knack for keeping her lessons interactive, engaging, and fun. She goes out of her way to offer opportunities for student participation and she clearly cares about and takes the time to thoughtfully answer the questions asked by her young readers."
-Carrie Cohen, LCSW
What Professional Developments Participants are saying:
“I loved the [Reading Emotions] workshop with Caron. She came with excitement, knowledge and thoughtfulness on a topic that is often dismissed. I can't wait to return to my school and share all I learned with our staff.”
-Jessica Hom, Librarian, Natoma Station Elementary, Folsom, CA
“I loved the demo of a storytime that included multiple tools and exercises that can be used to support SEL. Can’t wait to try them!”
-Tiffany V. Librairan Assistant
“This workshop filled up my heart. It was so informative! SEL is so crucial for our kiddos and using picture books as an avenue to emotional literacy is amazing! I have so many new ideas to try out during my story times with my students.”
-Leslie B. teacher-librarian, tk—6th
“Caron’s strategies are simple but so effective at increasing connections.”
-Janet Wile, Supervisor of Library Services.
“Caron is lovely and presents in a tangible meaningful way.”
-Kelly Martino, Teachiner Librarian k-8.
“We need more of your knowledge and experience in learning to help kids express themselves and understand their feelings.”
-California Classified Librarian; CSLA member.
“Brilliant! Genuine! Genuinely brilliant! I left feeling so inspired and energized for my next library storytime.”
-A.G. Elementary School Librarian/Media Assistant.
Thank you to the schools, libraries, conferences, stores, and festivals that invite me to meet such creative and curious readers! (below is a sample of where I've been;)
Schools I've visited!
City & Country School, New York, NY
Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, New York, NY
Riverdale Country Lower School, Riverdale, NY
PS 15 Brooklyn NY
PS 11 Brooklyn, NY
PS 20 Brooklyn, NY
PS 156 Brooklyn, NY
IS 392 Brooklyn, NY
Explore Charter School, Brooklyn
Community Roots, Brooklyn
PS 49, Bronx, NY
Harlem Prep Charter School, Bronx, NY
The Blue School, New York, NY
The Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn NY
The Caroline School, Ithaca, NY
The Carlthorp School, CA
Pioneer Elementary, CA
Hawley School, Newtown, CT
Deep River Elementary, Deep River, CT
Capitol City Day School, Washington D.C.
The Diener School, Potomac, MD
Urbana Elementary, Fredrick, MD
Winthrop Elementary, Melrose, MA
Roosevelt School, Melrose MA
and many more!
Non-profit School Visit Programs!
Brooklyn Public Library (school visit program
Meet The Writers, Brooklyn, NY
An Open Book, Washington D.C.
Behind The Book, NYC
Bookstore Storytimes Hosts!
Greenlight Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY
Book Culture, New York, NY
Books of Wonder, New York, NY
The Book Mark Shoppe, Brooklyn NY
Books Are Magic, Brooklyn, NY
Bestsellers Cafe, Medford, MA
PowerHouse Books, Brooklyn, NY
Sprout San Francisco, New York, NY
Politics & Prose, D.C.
Loyalty Books, MD
Main St. Books, Frostburg, MD
Libraries & Special Events!
Brooklyn Public Library, BK
Altadena Public Library, CA
Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY
Thompkins County Library, Ithaca, NY
Book Fairs & Festivals!
The Brooklyn Museum Book Fair, Brooklyn, NY
Glen Rock Book Festival, NJ
The Wonder of Words Festival, Des Moines, IA
The Queens Book Festival, LIC, NY
Poughkeepsie Book Festival, NY
Princeton Book Fair, NJ
Belleport Children’s Festival at MAMA’s farm
Conferences & Professional Events!
California School Library Association Conference
Long Island Librarian development evening